How to Create a Custom Plugin for Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA

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To Create a Custom Plugin for Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA, add the following function to your plugin file:

Step 1: Add Function to Insert a Blog Post for Plugin

Add this function inside your plugin file:

// Function to create a blog post about creating a Cookie Notice plugin
function create_cookie_notice_guide_post() {
    // Define post title
    $post_title = 'How to Create a Custom Plugin for Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA';
    // Check if the post already exists to prevent duplication
    $existing_post = get_page_by_title($post_title, OBJECT, 'post');

    if (!$existing_post) {
        // Define post content
        $post_content = '<h2>Step 1: Create a Plugin Folder and File</h2>
        <p>Navigate to your WordPress installation and go to <code>wp-content/plugins/</code>. Create a new folder called <strong>cookie-notice-gdpr</strong>. Inside the folder, create a PHP file called <code>cookie-notice.php</code>.</p>

        <h2>Step 2: Add Plugin Header Information</h2>
        <p>Open <code>cookie-notice.php</code> and add the following header:</p>
         * Plugin Name: Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA
         * Description: A simple plugin to display a cookie notice.
         * Version: 1.0
         * Author: Your Name
         * License: GPL-2.0+

        <h2>Step 3: Add JavaScript and CSS</h2>
        <p>Enqueue styles and scripts using <code>wp_enqueue_scripts</code> to include a cookie banner.</p>

        <h2>Step 4: Display the Cookie Banner</h2>
        <p>Use the <code>wp_footer</code> action to inject the cookie banner HTML.</p>

        <h2>Step 5: Handle User Consent</h2>
        <p>Use JavaScript and cookies to store user consent and hide the banner after acceptance.</p>

        <h2>Step 6: Activate the Plugin</h2>
        <p>Upload the plugin to WordPress and activate it from the admin panel.</p>

        <p>That’s it! You’ve successfully created a GDPR/CCPA cookie notice plugin.</p>';

        // Define post data
        $post_data = array(
            'post_title'    => $post_title,
            'post_content'  => $post_content,
            'post_status'   => 'publish',  // Publish immediately
            'post_author'   => 1, // Assign to Admin (change if needed)
            'post_type'     => 'post',  // Create a blog post

        // Insert the post into the database

// Hook function into plugin activation
register_activation_hook(__FILE__, 'create_cookie_notice_guide_post');

How This Works

  • When the plugin is activated, it checks if the post already exists.
  • If it does not exist, it creates a new post with a step-by-step guide on building a Cookie Notice & Compliance plugin.
  • The post is published automatically.

How to Activate the Plugin

  1. Upload your plugin folder to wp-content/plugins/.
  2. Go to WordPress Admin > Plugins and activate Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA.
  3. The post “How to Create a Custom Plugin for Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA” will be published.

Let me know if you need any improvements! 🚀

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How to Create a Custom Plugin for Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA


I am Flora, the publisher and founder of *Be-Smart*, a platform dedicated to sharing insights and inspiration for living a fulfilling life. With a strong background in the web, my goal is to empower people to genuinely recognize and celebrate admirable actions big or small in themselves and others.

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